Using the “L” Word Daily
The first thing I think about when someone tells me about a child born with a known disability, is Early Intervention. The service embodies the highest respect for the child, the family, and the interventionist. It begins with the belief that we live in daily routines. Because of this, the interventionist asks the caregiver to explain their concerns and what part of their daily routine is challenging and then will coach the caregiver to achieve that goal.
Let’s unpack that!
First, by doing this, it shows respect for the family. They oversee their household; they decide their own needs. Second, it shows respect for the interventionist bringing expertise into the family so they can practice it independently. Lastly, more will be possible because the family feels heard, supported, and empowered to take charge. The interventionist can suggest more for consideration because they trust each other.
Now, I ask you to think about your own lives and the coaches you’ve had. Think about the times you’ve asked them to help you achieve a goal. Coaches don’t do the work; they expect and believe you can do it. You are the first to see that more is possible when you achieve a task. You then go to that coach, or a new one, to expand what you can do.
I believe that coaching has all the features of love. But there is a time when Early Intervention is up and the child is transitioned to another system. At that time, you will find that caregivers mourn a bit. They have a beautiful, but time-bound, relationship with someone they trust who made a big difference in their lives.
How do we learn from Early Intervention what matters most in life? How can we make that part of our DNA at KenCrest everywhere and in everything we do?