Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
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TAP Guidelines
1. All applicants must complete an application form. The application must be completed in its entirety and prior to the start of the course in order to receive consideration. The completed application is to be emailed directly to in the central Human Resources Department and will then be sent to the division director for final approval.
2. To be eligible for tuition assistance, the course in which an employee is enrolled must be a college level class taken for one of the following purposes:
- partial completion for an undergraduate degree, or
- partial completion for an advanced degree
The degree towards which an employee is working must be related to his/her current job. Courses needed to fulfill certification requirements will not be considered for reimbursement through the Tuition Assistance Program.
3. For consideration, the applicant must be a full time employee who has completed his/her three-month probationary period in order to submit an application. Eligible employees can continue to submit their applications toward classes within a fiscal year, up to the maximum reimbursement amount. The current reimbursement amount is a maximum of $2400 per fiscal year toward your classes (books and other fees are not included). You may submit more than one class within the semester, not to exceed $2400.00. Once the applicant has received the full $2400 in a fiscal year, no further reimbursement will be issued until the next fiscal year. This amount will be reviewed annually and is subject to change.
Nursing or Education: Employees attending classes leading toward a degree in Nursing or Education are eligible for up to $4,800 in tuition assistance for each fiscal year. (Please note, as above, the amount received cannot exceed the cost of the class/es.) This amount will be reviewed annually and is subject to change.
4. Once the course is completed, a copy of the grade report (must be a C or better) and proof of cost per credit must be submitted to Madeline Rivera-Lopez in the Human Resources Department in order to receive reimbursement. Email at:
5. The Deadline for submitting the grade report and receipt of payment is within 30 days following the course ending date.