Get on a New Track

I was given the honor once of introducing the writer, Rachel Simon. She had just written the book Riding the Bus with My Sister. I had read about Rachel and had some time to discuss my feelings about the book and her sister’s occupation, riding public transit buses. I had more than one takeaway from the book; my first was about the author herself. She was in a rut in her life. Not knowing what she would learn about herself, she decided to spend more time with her sister. Little did she know that the time she spent would help her find her goals and get herself into a new state of mind.

When we are gloomy, disoriented, unhappy, or disheartened, we all have the choice to explore our way out or stay put. It can be very easy to stay put. You know what to expect. You know how you will react. You know how others around you will react to you. You have a habit, a strong ritual, and a routine to consider.

Rachel found a way to reflect and get on another track in her journey. It took work, but it was impossible to do without some tough personal reflection and increased self-awareness. Shifting your mindset can disrupt your comfort zone. Who knows what I might need to do once I realize my choices? I might need to apologize, ask for help, give someone some tough feedback, or learn something new.

When I am stuck in a mindset of “I can’t” or repeat myself without moving forward, I have strategies to get me unstuck. I expect to get stuck again. How do I get to the other track? My strategies include some quiet time, some reflections with friends, and some time spent, believe it or not, cutting up fabric for a sewing project. In those quiet and introspective moments, I can regroup, re-energize, and start to see possibilities.

I will use another strategy when I get stuck again: remembering Rachel’s story. I will read the poem I used as part of my introduction to Rachel that night years ago…

Get a Transfer

Author Unknown

If you are on the Gloomy Line, get a transfer.

If you’re inclined to fret and pine, get a transfer.

Get off the track of doubt and gloom

Get on the Sunshine Track. There’s room, so get a transfer.

If you’re on the Worry Train, get a transfer.

You must not stay there and complain; get a transfer.

The Cheerful Cars are passing through, and there’s lots of room for you-

Get a transfer.

If you’re on the Grouchy Track, get a transfer.

Just take the Happy Special back and get a transfer.

Jump on the train and pull the rope,

That lands you at Station Hope-

Get a transfer.

(BTW – Riding the Bus with My Sister was made into a movie.)

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