KenCrest helps support individuals with IDD by advocating on their behalf and teaching them how to be an advocate.
By Sydney Kerelo
For most of her life, Wendy lived in a group home supported by KenCrest. She spent every day with her roommates and staff; while she loved it, she wanted more. She dreamed of living independently, in an apartment she could decorate to her liking, where she could have peace and quiet. However, as an adult woman with an intellectual disability, her choices were limited.
So, she took a stand and became her own advocate.
Now, she is working on securing an apartment in the area she wants through KenCrest’s Supported Independent Living program. She is working with her Supports Coordinator and Champion to increase her independence and has learned how to navigate public transportation. She’s even taken a Lyft ride independently and memorized the bus schedule to get to and from places herself.
Wendy is an example of a self-advocate. Someone who uses their voice to communicate their wants and needs regarding decision-making in all areas of daily life.
According to the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, “People with IDD have been isolated and segregated from their communities, and presumed incompetent, resulting in loss and denial of basic human rights and discrimination in almost all areas of personal and community life. But, through self-advocacy, people with IDD will have more impact on their situations and on the public policies that affect them. Self-advocates provide important knowledge, experience, and skills that individuals, organizations, and government agencies need to support and enhance the lives of people with IDD effectively.”
Being a self-advocate is incredibly important for anyone, but especially those with an intellectual or developmental disability. According to Chip Riddleberger, KenCrest’s Director of Government Relations and Advocacy, being an advocate, as a family member, friend, community member, and especially for oneself, is essential because it helps make a positive difference in the world. Advocacy supports and strengthens access to funding across Federal and State programs and increases opportunities for independence and inclusion for IDD individuals in the community.

One can self-advocate in many ways, including using one's voice to speak up powerfully about what is best for oneself, whether toward staff members or during an election period. Self-advocacy requires everyone to understand themselves, their values, their needs, and their rights in order to communicate effectively.
At KenCrest, our Advocacy department advocates for the people we support and helps them become self-advocates and fight for themselves.
“KenCrest advocates for the IDD community we support by monitoring legislation and regulations of potential impact at both the Federal and State levels within the three states we support—Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Connecticut,” says Riddleberger. “We build targeted relationships with key legislators and leaders to stay engaged with the IDD provider community and associations by building relationships regionally and nationally to benefit the population we serve.”
Since Wendy has become a self-advocate, she has increased her independence. She’s participated in an adult craft program at her local public library, went shopping with a friend, and joined a wellness center within her community where she learned how to administer her eye drops.
“We take tremendous pride and enthusiasm in advocating for the IDD individuals we serve across KenCrest’s programs,” says Riddleberger. “To that end, we make an effort to build the most strategic, persuasive argument we can within the facts to make an appreciable difference for the folks we serve. That said, the advocacy message will always be more powerful coming from a self-advocate who can personally speak to the challenges and opportunities for IDD individuals.”
How to Get Involved With Advocacy
Get out and vote!
Our elections decide who represents us, which is vital in determining policies and programs that benefit individuals with disabilities and their families.
Participating in the electoral process and exercising the right to vote are essential advocacy features. U.S. citizens at least 18 who meet state residency requirements are eligible to vote in elections. To vote, you must be a registered voter in your state.
Every voice counts during election season; this year, make your voice heard.