Enjoy the Holidays, Practice the Three M’s
Happy Holidays!
We know everyone is excited to spend time with their loved ones this holiday season; but we are seeing a significant uptick in new covid cases—including breakthrough cases across the programs. We have collected safety tips from national professionals to share with you. Now, more than ever we’re seeing covid cases rising during these cold weather months, we’re concerned for both your safety and the safety of those we support. We know you will chose the tips which work best for you, and we thank you for helping us to keep this holiday season as safe as possible.
Manage contacts
- Keep the group sizes small when possible; experts think under 25 is acceptable. Smaller is better.
- It is safer to have groups of only vaccinated people.
- Have an open house where visitors stagger and have less contact with each other, but you all get nice smaller segments of visits.
Minimize intensity
- We know open air is best, but outdoors is impractical now. Spread out when possible.
- Pick the family member with the bigger home to host the holiday gathering when possible.
Mitigate risk
- Hand washing is essential, encourage everyone to use soap or hand sanitizer.
- Wear you masks in public spaces (make sure it covers your nose and mouth) and during activities like singing in church.
- If you are exposed, wait FIVE days before getting tested. Sooner will not give you accurate results.
- Get vaccinated, or get boosted. You can find opportunities near you by texting your zip code to 438829 for a list of locations and contacts offering the vaccine near you. For Spanish text 822862 (vacuna) along with your zip code.

Here are some additional frequently asked questions:
1. Should I get the booster?
YES, a booster is the currently recommended best approach to keeping your covid immunity high
2. Will I need a completely different vaccine?
Probably not. Currently experts believe that looking at the science of immunity, a new vaccine, while possible, might not have the desired effect.
3. Which covid are we up against now?
Delta is still dominant. And is causing hospitalizations of mostly unvaccinated people. Hospitalizations rates highest in states like PA with lower vaccination rates. Still in states like CT and DE, hospitalizations are up by 11% Symptoms are different. The speed of contagion is increasing
- Omicron may make you sick in 3 days
- Delta likely 5 days
- Alpha likely 7 days
4. How soon should I get tested after exposure to COVID?
If you or someone close to you is experiencing symptoms, get tested as soon as possible and contact your supervisor.
5. What if I’m exposed to someone who tested positive the Omicron variant and I do not live with the person?
You do not need to quarantine, but monitor yourself for symptoms. If you have symptoms get tested and if positive, then quarantine 14 days from the onset of symptoms.
6. Exposed to someone who tested positive for the Omicron variant AND you live with the person
You should quarantine for 14 days from their onset of symptoms, and get tested.
You can review more specifics here: Updated “Holidays and the Variants” FAQs
If you have additional questions, please email safety4kc@kencrest.org
Stay safe and stay well; wishing you a happy holiday season!