Agencywide Announcements and Updates
Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards Scholarship
Soroptimist International of Indian Rock (SIIR) is accepting applications for our Live Your Dream Education and Training Award.
Paradigm Scholarship for Working Women
KenCrest encourages all staff to pursue higher education and regularly offers support resources including partial tuition and resources.
Did You Miss the Advocacy Training?
Hear from advocacy and policy experts on the latest in state and federal disability issues during our Staff Advocacy Training.
Donations Needed for Community Participation Project
Community Participation adults are partnering with Petals Please to re-use arrangements to create boutiques for seniors and veterans.
October Mission Pins Challenge
Have you participated in our agency-wide program? KenCrest has a goal to DOUBLE the average monthly Mission Pin awards from 10 to 20.
Happy National Disability Employment Awareness Month KenCrest
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and this year KenCrest is celebrating by introducing a few of our employees.
Meet a Few Families We Support for Lifesharing Awareness Month
This October KenCrest celebrates Lifesharing Awareness Month—an important month for us—by sharing stories of the people we support.
Attention: Lifesharing Family Needed in Chester County
KenCrest Lifesharing is seeking a caring family/person to share their life and home with a man with an intellectual developmental disability.
Are You Ready to Vote This National Voter Registration Day?
Today is National Voter Registration Day (September 28th) and it is time to make sure you are ready to cast your next vote!
Let’s Recap This Year’s Direct Support Professional Week
Celebrate Direct Support Professionals week this year with KenCrest as we acknowledge the meaningful work DSP’s do across the country.