Follow the Light

This week is Christmas, one of the two main Christian holidays. One of the central images of Christmas is light. The light from a star was expected, observed, and followed. We were being led to Christ, who would bring news and help shape our behavior to better love our neighbors and follow God’s ways. Christianity is not the only faith that has images of light.
This month is also Hannukah, which is celebrated for eight days. During this time, the story of the Maccabees is retold, and families observe the occasion with songs and sweet treats. Each day, a candle is lit, and prayers are said.
In November, the Hindu community celebrates Diwali for up to five days. They light candles to symbolize inner light and protection from spiritual darkness. Diwali celebrates good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. Beautiful displays of light inspire peace and community connection. Sweets and gifts are shared during Diwali.
In Islam, light is viewed as an important expression of Allah, the Divine. One Persian philosopher, Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi, wrote, “Allah’s essence is the original creative light, always illuminating existence. Allah’s Essential Light radiates the whole cosmos in abundant beauty and completeness. To be illuminated by this process means nothing less than salvation.” Light is a name attributed to God.
Management books have been written about your company’s “North Star,” which represents a greater importance, an aspirational destination that makes the world a better place. How do you hold fast to this deep purpose and stay on course to goals that are worthy of so much concerted effort?
The images of light exist in faith and in life as bringing warmth, hope, clarity of action, and beauty into our experience of this world. I invite you all to join me outside your home/work on December 24th at 8 PM. Hold up a light, candle, or flashlight, and join me in a moment of gratitude and joy. Share your picture for our spirit week. In January, we plan to shine the light on our purpose, our connection, and our hopes for a great year ahead.