Let’s Get Clear on What We Mean
I have really enjoyed the Spring this year. Even though my allergies did kick up, the flowers and flowering trees were amazing. I grew up where planting something in a pot― to place at your mailbox or in your yard― was rare, but very much appreciated. My grandmother, who had very little extra money in her pocket, grew her plants from seeds. Every year she planted the same red, white, and “blue” (more like purple) petunias.
I think the act of keeping your stoop swept, adding a few decorations to your front door, and planting some flowers in a pot, is all part of what we call community.
Recently I saw a neighbor run across the street and stuff an envelope in the door of another neighbor. As he headed back, he commented that our neighbor was turning 90 years old, and he was compelled to say Happy Birthday. This is another example of community.
At my church we have a food delivery signup sheet. If someone is experiencing a challenge, like trying to get food on the table while caring for someone in the hospital, they can ask for someone from our church community to deliver a meal. Another example of something woven into the picture of community.
As we get ready to celebrate the fourth of July, I see more little flags appearing on doors and in the flower beds. Symbols of our cause to celebrate freedom and tell others that it matters. Freedom requires investment. So does community.
Our mission at KenCrest says we will strengthen our communities by what we do. What does that mean?
I think it is time to make a list of what defines community. I believe the list will be quite long. Once we have it, we can see what our missed opportunities might be. If we can be clear about what we mean, we can get on to doing more of what we promised and enroll others to do the same.
Let’s figure it out.