WHY? We all need to grow constantly in our chosen profession.
Growing up, I so admired my dad. He was a carpenter by trade and could create the most beautiful things in wood. While he renovated and built homes and offices by the day, he came home to make furniture at night during his free time — something he did not have much of working six days a week. His shop was in the basement, and I would sneak down the steps and watch him working on his equipment, cutting, sanding, and turning legs for tables. To this day, I can still smell the sawdust.
Growing up, I never learned that some professions were better than others or more important. My dad taught me at a young age that every job matters, and I can hear his admonition to do the best work whatever you choose to do.
Many years later, I read the official definition of a professional. There are a few fancier words stating that we need to be our best, something my dad advocated. The definition admonishes that we need to stay up to date on advances in our chosen work and make sure that we apply those new, improved approaches for the benefit of our clients.
I think about that when I see the growth happening around KenCrest. Here are some highlights of the new programs and approaches we’ve established at KenCrest to become the best we can be.
- Routine-based intervention:the smart approach we use in early intervention to help families succeed by building the therapeutic approach into the family routines.
- High Scope:an outstanding curriculum and way of thinking to bring preschoolers the best early learning options.
- Enabling Technology:the gift of technology to promote the independent pursuit of tasks.
- LifeCourse Framework:a way of having a hopeful conversation about the future and personal goals.
- Lifesharing and Supported Independent Living:alternatives to traditional 24/7 supervised living possible for way more people with better outcomes than any other option.
- Trauma Smart:an approach to building trauma-informed practice into work and life.
Over time, my father learned to adapt and changed his approach, building more beautiful, durable furniture. Throughout KenCrest, the people we support rely on us to get inspired and develop new ways to care for them. That is how new dreams are discovered and fulfilled; it is our common WHY.
There will always be work for us to do. There will always be new ways of doing things. Some we will invent here, and some we will learn from others. I want to keep this front and center as we move forward. The movement must include exploring new possibilities, mobilizing our giftedness, and empowering new dreams.
I want to start a movement and be the best professional I can be! How can you do the same?