These KenCrest programs became a reality through the New Business Ideas initiative. Be an agent of change by pitching your ideas today!

Remote Possibilities
The Remote Possibilities business plan proposes to advance utilization of enabling technologies as remote supports for KenCrest consumers by piloting implementation at ten homes in PA Community Collaborative Services. This plan intends to use enabling technologies consisting of smart home sensors, video calling devices, medication dispensers, and smart device applications that can remotely support the completion of daily routines by proactively alerting caregivers by text, email, or phone call if assistance is required. This will reduce direct support needs and respect the capability and dignity of those we support.
Day Sharing
Day Sharing will be a new approach to filling the needs of the people we support. Rather than use direct support staff (facing a severe workforce shortage), this plan will recruit people (most likely retirees or empty nesters) to share the day or a few hours of their day with the people we support. As independent contractors, these people will be matched on common interests and supported to enjoy a meaningful life experience together. Some of the relationships built in Day Sharing may evolve into Lifesharing matches, organic community involvement, and lifelong friendships.

Meaningful Life
Working with Delaware’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS), KenCrest will create, provide, and encourage safe and engaging community opportunities to post-employment clients living in KenCrest Community Homes and/or participating in our Community Participation Program. The new model will draw upon the principles and philosophies of the Meaningful Day and Charting the LifeCourse Frame Work. Activities will meet each person’s vision of a meaningful life while supporting his/her ISP goals.
KenCrest’s Employment Programs team plans to provide self-employment planning and support as a service option to job seekers. With the New Business Ideas self-employment, job seekers would become independent entrepreneurs managing their own businesses and their own financial success. By leveraging the knowledge and expertise in career planning, job development, and discovery & customized employment strategies, the Employment team is well positioned to add this service to their menu of supports. Griffin-Hammis, a professional partner, has agreed to provide KenCrest with the self-employment training (10-20 staff) we will need to be able to provide these supports successfully.

Mentor Program
The Peer Mentor Plan sees a need to help people transition from settings where they never lived independently before or were living independently without appropriate supports to more independent settings. The plan is to hire a peer mentor coordinator to connect new admissions with someone that has been achieving success in the Supported Independent Living program. This would increase connection with members of our program, increase socialization, and decrease feelings of loneliness during the transition process. Besides one-on-one mentoring, the group would also be sponsoring activities in the community to get to meet more participants and also encourage more community engagement with the potential to make relationships beyond the program and services KenCrest offers.
Want to learn how to get involved in the New Business Ideas initiative? Visit our New Business Ideas page!
2020 Projects Awarded by KenCrest
Ticket to Work
Sustaining and growing KenCrest’s Employment program is one of the agency’s top priorities. Through the Ticket to Work initiative, a new billing service and approach to employment services will be cultivated over an 18-month period. The new project complements KenCrest’s desire to organize for outcomes, and will introduce new work incentives to clients, and new software to the Employment program staff. This initiative will increase research and the development of projects and activities that are beneficial to people seeking employment and self-sufficiency; cultivate stronger partnerships between employment providers; and help clientele establish a greater sense of independence and self-reliance.

Child Care SWIFT Support
Through Child Care SWIFT Support services KenCrest will meet a critical need in supporting inclusion for children with developmental delays. The SWIFT Support Service is ensuring that children with developmental delays (birth to 3-years-old) are successful when attending their neighborhood childcare center. This service will increase the availability of support and instruction for teachers; and decrease the number of children with challenging behaviors/developmental delays from being expelled or isolated in classroom settings. Child Care SWIFT Support complements the KenCrest vision of greater social responsibility, innovation, economic accountability, inclusion, and enables a higher level of strategic growth due to an increase in service referrals.
Smarter Living Homes (Tech Homes)
Smarter Living Homes (Tech Homes) will lay the groundwork for KenCrest to become an accredited, Technology First Provider. Creating environments and communities that enhance opportunities for inclusion and independence, are at the heart of KenCrest’s mission. We will create a Smarter Living Demo Home to provide those the agency supports with a unique hands-on experience. KenCrest will conduct technology assessments for residents, along with personalized skill development. The Smarter Living Homes (Tech Homes) will help both staff and residents to hone new skill sets, and provide alternative support options that could lead to more cost-effective and more competitive programming and service offerings. The grant award will launch the program in an impactful way and empower more of the people whom KenCrest supports to become visionaries of their own, more independent lives.