This Month Celebrate Disability Pride & The ADA Anniversary

In 1990, when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law, Boston held the first Disability Pride Parade. But it wasn’t until 2015 that July officially became Disability Pride Month. That same year, the Americans with Disabilities Act celebrated its 25th anniversary.

The new flag design shows parallel stripes for intercommunal solidarity, while the colors symbolize various disability experiences. According to Respect Ability, the black background mourns disabled people who’ve died due to negligence, suicide, rebellion, illness, and eugenics. While the stripe’s color represents disability types:

  • Red: for physical disabilities
  • Gold: for cognitive and intellectual disabilities
  • White: non visible and undiagnosed disabilities
  • Blue: psychiatric disabilities
  • Green: sensory disabilities

Since its beginning, Disability Pride Month has been a time for people with disabilities to positively assert their identity, listen to disabled voices, and advocate for the best accommodations inside and outside of communities. The flag has become an outward symbol of the identity, resilience, and capacity of the disability community.