What EVV Means for KenCrest

What is Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)?

EVV is a technology solution that captures the precise time and location a service begins and ends, helping to ensure that care is provided efficiently and accurately.

Electronic Visit Verification allows agencies like KenCrest that perform personal care services (including in-home visits) to comply with federal regulations and reduce the risk of fraud and abuse, and facilitate easy compliance for honest providers; while reducing opportunities for fraud and abuse by dishonest providers, without altering the consumer-centric nature of home-delivered services. This results  in  the delivery of consistent, high-quality care, delivered at the right time, the right place, and under the right conditions.

When is the EVV requirement effective?

States, agencies, and organizations must use an EVV solution or face a reduction in Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP). The requirement for launch is by January 1, 2020 for personal care services.

How Does EVV Work?

While there are several ways to capture service delivery data points, most agencies prefer the ease, efficiency, and flexibility of mobile applications.

  • Works with or without cellular or wireless connectivity
  • Enables consumers to confirm delivery with their signatures
  • Ability to recognize unauthorized services
  • Allows highly controlled access to client data
  • Read-only features prevent times or costs from being edited
  • Flags service deliveries that don’t meet specified criteria

Why do agencies need EVV?

Gavel icon21st Century Cures Act compliance

The 21st Century Cures Act imposes a penalty on states and agencies that do not implement and use EVV. Agencies using Medicaid funds to administer programs that provide personal care or home health services requiring in-home visits will be subject to reduced federal match funds.

Money iconErrors, fraud, and abuse prevention

Medicaid waste, fraud, and abuse cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year and contribute to decreased quality of care. While home-and community-based service delivery is inherently susceptible, EVV mitigates this risk by capturing the date, time, and physical location of each service and flagging questionable ones for review.

Handshake iconService delivery oversight

With real-time service delivery tracking, case managers have immediate insight into which consumers received services and the exact date and time the services were delivered.

Who benefits from EVV?

EVV solutions benefit everyone!


Proactively prevents waste, fraud, and abuse; maintains consistent, quality care; and improves overall program performance and integrity.


Reduces administrative overhead with automated workflows, maximizes revenue by reducing rejected claims, and ensures continued funding source compliance.


Ensures the delivery of quality, individualized care by verifying the right consumer is receiving the right services, at the right location, at the right time, and by the right provider.

Frequently Asked Questions About EVV