Employment Services

Since 1989, KenCrest has supported people with disabilities to gain meaningful employment opportunities that complement their passions and goals. We provide job skills training, job coaching, resume support, and benefits counseling.

Our employment team believes employment services should be available to anyone. We use various tools, from person-centered planning to interest inventories and electronic resumes to digital networking, to assist every job seeker in attaining their career-related goals, growing professionally, and developing as individuals.

Our Customized Approach

We match job candidates with their careers based on their skills and preferences for employment, focusing on engagement everyone wants and will enjoy:

  • Customized employment strategies that align with each person’s employment interests to develop a proper career plan
  • Support in resume writing, social media profile development, and portfolio and website creation
  • Coordination of workplace accommodations, including tech-savvy supports
  • Real-world training, lessening the on-the-job learning curve
  • Transitioning from the support of job coaches to independence
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Individuals receive support for employment positions through KenCrest’s network of employer partners. A few of our employers include:

Ticket to Work

Ticket to Work is a program of the Social Security Administration that supports career development for people with disabilities who want to work. Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 18 through 64 qualify for the Ticket to Work program, which is free and voluntary. The program aims to help people with disabilities progress toward financial stability and independence. If a person chooses to participate, they will receive services from an authorized Ticket to the Work service provider in areas such as:

  • Career counseling
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Resume development
  • Interview Preparation
  • Benefits counseling (read more below)

All participants must be between the ages of 18 and 64 and currently receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Project SEARCH Intern talking on corded telephone, taking notes with pen and paper

Benefits Counseling

Benefits Counseling is a free service that helps Social Security disability beneficiaries to make informed choices about Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits, employment, and financial goals. Counselors provide beneficiaries a personalized plan to work and earn to their fullest potential. Whether beneficiaries need support to try work, assistance maintaining a job, the need to obtain items necessary for work, save income, or keep cash and medical benefits, a Benefits Counselor can put beneficiaries on the path to occupational and financial independence.


Contact Us

For more information on the Employment program please contact Jessica Birkmire at Jessica.Birkmire@kencrest.org or 215-429-6639. For information pertaining to Benefits counseling or ticket to Work please contact Linda Sopp at linda.sopp@kencrest.org or 215-206-2333. Please take a moment to review our intake/referral process.