Enabling Technology

KenCrest is the second organization in Pennsylvania to be awarded the Tech First Shift Accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to integrating independence-generating solutions through assistive technology.

Empowering People Through Technology

Enabling Technology—or Assistive Technology—helps people with disabilities deepen their interactions with others, control their environment without assistance, develop daily routines, and stay connected within their greater community.

Our Enabling Technology services start with a conversation to understand someone's wants or desires. Then, the Enabling Tech team searches for the right solution from an array of off-the-shelf devices and tools.

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Some of the assistive technology devices currently in use throughout KenCrest programs include:

  • Automated medication dispensers
  • Video doorbells
  • Smart speakers
  • Environmental sensors
  • Emergency response systems
  • Smart appliances
  • Home automation technologies
  • Virtual coaching apps

We also have a lending library comprised of various technologies available for loan, demonstration, and training. The lending library allows users to trial technologies to see what works.

Contact Us

To learn more about our Enabling Technology program, please get in touch with our department at Enabling.Technology@kencrest.org. Please take a moment to review our intake/referral process.